PJS Adult Education
Tyvärr måste vi meddela att Adult Education: Progressive Judaism: What, Why, When, Who, Where, How? söndagen den 30/4 kl 10:00 med rabbin Rebecca Lillian är inställd p.g.a sjukdom.
Vi hoppas att så snart som möjligt kunna erbjuda ett nytt utbildningstillfälle.
Progressive Judaism: What, Why, When, Who, Where, How?
An Adult (teen-agers welcome) Education Series - Part 4
“Progressive Judaism” is not a denomination of Judaism, but a term used to describe a variety of Jewish religious groups and movements which, since the nineteenth century, have sought to reconcile their commitment to both modernity and Jewish tradition. The World Union for Progressive Judaism includes, among others, Reform Jews, Liberal Jews, and Reconstructionist Jews from every continent on which Jewish communities are found, representing a broad spectrum of views regarding theology and practice.
Join Rabbi Rebecca Lillian for a series of seminars on the evolution of Progressive Judaism, and how we at PJS Sukkat Shalom view ourselves.
This is session four of a four-part series.
You are welcome to attend one, some, or all.
Materials will be in English, but conversation is welcome in both Swedish and English.