Book & Talk: How Bauman became BAUMAN

Izabela Wagner and Kaj Schueler in conversation about her book ”BAUMAN: A biography”,  (Polity, 2020)   

In English, free admission 

Registration by November 12th here

Who was Zygmunt Bauman?!  

The late sociologist, known throughout the world for his path-breaking work on liquid modernity, had a biography. He was a Polish Jew, a soldier, a refugee.  He had a whole life before Leeds. Izabela Wagner's great achievement is to recover this other Bauman. This book will change the way we see Bauman, forever (Peter Beilharz, La Trobe University) 

Izabela Wagner, associate professor at the Institute of Sociology, at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, a fellow at The French Institute for Migration Studies in Paris. She was a visiting researcher at Harvard University (Department of the History of Science) and The New School for Social Research in NYC and Braudel Fellow at EUI (Florence); she was also visiting professor among others at Sorbonne (Paris), EHESS (Paris), Sapienza (Rome), Fudan (Shanghai).  

Wagner is the author of “Producing Excellence. Making of Virtuoso” (Rutgers UP, 2015) and “Bauman: a Biography” (Polity, 2020). Her books are translated from English into Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean and Polish. Lastly she is working in the area of forced migration.

Kaj Schueler,  journalist and writer and a former cultural editor at the Svenska Dagbladet. Schueler´s books: Flykten från Berlin 1942 (Norstedts 2008), Torgny om Lindgren (Norstedts 2013) and En kibbutz i Falun (Norstedts 2018) 

Zygmunt Bauman (1925-2017) 


Picture:  © from: Bauman: A biography, taken by his family, private archive

Z. Bauman at home in Leeds, with some of the books he wrote in several different languages

15 november
Centrala Stockholm, plats meddelas vid anmälan
Vänföreningen för Museet de polska judarnas historia POLIN, Judiska församlingen i Stockholm, Paideia folkhögskola, Paideia - the European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden and Judisk krönika