Notice regarding Holocaust Victims Assets from the State of Israel

Notice regarding assets that have been transferred to the management of the Administrator General
Pursuant to the Holocaust Victims Assets Law (Restitution to Heirs and Endowment for Purposes of Assistance and Commemoration) 2006
A notice is hereby given, that pursuant to the law's provisions, a list of Holocaust Victims Assets which have been transferred to management of the Administrator General, or which the Administrator General received information about from the Company for Location and Restitution of Holocaust Victims Assets LTD (in liquidation), is published on the Administrator General's website.
The list also includes assets regarding which requests for restitution had been submitted; the requests are being processed by the Administrator General. Requests for restitution of an asset to its rightful heirs can be submitted through the Administrator General's website.
Best regards and Shana Tova,
The Department of Holocaust Victims' Assets
The National Unit for Location and Management of Property
The Administrator General and Official Receiver
The Ministry of Justice
Tel: +972-73-3923281
2 HaShlosha St.
P.O. Box 9040
Tel Aviv, 6109001