Blessed is the Match - a film about the life and death of the heroine Hannah Szenes

Hannah Szenes (1921-1944)

Born in Budapest, Hannah Szenes became a Zionist and immigrated to Palestine in 1939. In 1943 Jewish agency officials asked Szenes to join a clandestine military operation – she became a member of the Palmah and participated in a course for paratroopers. In March 1944, she was dropped into Yugoslavia in order to aid anti-Nazi forces. Szenes was captured in June after entering Hungary, and sent to a prison in Budapest, where she was tortured. Since Szenes would not talk, Hungarian authorities arrested her mother. Both women remained silent. Given the chance to beg for a pardon in November 1944, Szenes chose death by firing squad. Szenes’s mother was instrumental in keeping her daughter’s memory alive – she published Szenes’s diary, poetry and plays. In 1950, Szenes’s remains were buried in the military cemetery on Mt. Herzl.

From the Jewish Women's Archive

Welcome to the screening of Roberta Grossman's award-winning film, Blessed is the Match - The Life and Death of Hannah Szenes. The film will be followed by a discussion. The language of the film is English.

Event start: 18:00

Price/to be paid by Swish at the entrance:


50kr for members of the Jewish Community of Stockholm.

For more information mail


This event is a co-operation between Judiska församlingen i Stockholm and Paideia Folkhögskola. 


18 mars
18:00 - 20:30
Centrala Stockholm, plats meddelas vid anmälan
Judiska Församlingen i Stockholm och Paideia Folkhögskola

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