PJS Adult Education

Sukkat Shalom’s Adult Education program is evolving in 2025.
Every month there will be a selection from the three different types of adult education classes listed here:

Lehrhaus (lärdomens hus):
This is the historical name of Adult Education Centers, which foster free and creative Jewish learning, that continues to be used throughout the world. These will be like our typical Adult Education sessions.
Learn more about the history of Lehrhaus at https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/community/articles/frankfurt-lehrhaus-a-century-later

Living Jewishly:
These sessions will be more like workshops, where we discuss the hands-on aspects of progressive Jewish life, such as the pre-holiday sessions.

Beit Midrash:
These sessions will include more text study than the above sessions. No knowledge of Hebrew required.


Sunday 19 January
Living Jewishly: The Jewish home on Shabbat and weekdays

Although the focus will be on how we celebrate shabbat, we will also talk about other aspects of the Jewish home - where so much of Judaism takes place.

Feel free to come to one or several or all sessions.
(Special terms may apply for participants in our conversion program.)

 Anyone 13+ is welcome.


Se hela PJS vårprogram här.

19 januari
Centrala Stockholm, plats meddelas efter sista anmälningsdatum
Sukkat Shalom / Progressiv Judendom i Stockholm