Resistance, Survival and the Swedish humanitarian rescue actions 1944-1945

Resistance, Survival and the Swedish humanitarian rescue actions 1944-1945

Academic Seminar:

This academic seminar brings together international scholars, with a special focus on previously unexplored aspects of the Swedish rescue actions in Hungary; the activities and contacts of the Hungarian resistance; as well as new insights about the brutal mechanisms of the perpetrators and the complex forces of survival.


Moderator     Gellert Hardi Kovacs

09.00-09:10     Welcome

The Perpetrators

09.10-09.30     Anders Blomqvist ​ Local Economic Motives for Deporting Jews

09.30-09.50      Áron Máthé                   The Arrow Cross and the Hungarian militia


09.50-10.00     Q&A


10.00-10.20    Coffee Break


The Swedish Rescue Actions

10.20-10.40 Ágnes Harrach               The Swedish Red Cross in Hungary – the Work of

                                                                  Valdemar and Nina Langlet


10.40-11.00 Friederike Kind-Kovács    Why Not a Righteous Among the Nations? Asta Nilsson  

                                                                  and the rescue of Budapest’s Jewish Children


11.00-11.10​ Q&A


The Hungarian Resistance

11.10-11.20     Nóra Szekér                    The Ference Koszorús-action of July 1944


11.20-11.40     Réka Kiss-Földváry         Géza Sóos and the Protestant Church rescue

                                                                    networks in Hungary


11.40-12.00     Susanne Berger  

                        Gellert Hardi-Kovacs      The secret Swedish-Hungarian  intelligence sharing

                                                                     agreement of 1943-44


12.00-12.10     Q&A


12.10-13.10 ​  Lunch



13.10-13.30       Kata Bohus               Iron pills, quarantine, and the beautiful sea: Female

                                                                  Hungarian Jewish survivors’ accounts of post-war

                                                                  rehabilitation in Sweden


13.30-13.50        Dóra Pataricza          From Szeged to Sweden and back: Stories of Holocaust

                                                                   survival and restarting life


13.50-14.00         Q&A



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19 september
09:00 - 14:00
Centrala Stockholm, plats meddelas vid anmälan
Forum för Levande Historia, World Jewish Congress och Judiska Församlingen i Stockholm

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