Selichot and “Moving into the New Jewish Year”

Co-sponsored by Sukkat Shalom (PJS) and Paideia Folkhögskolan

What is Selichot?
Selichot (forgiveness) are prayers, songs, and mediations we recite in preparation for Rosh Hashana. On the Saturday night prior to Rosh Hashana, it is traditional to gather to recite and discuss them together.

How does Sukkat Shalom do Selichot?
We will begin with a brief study session on the themes of forgiveness, reconciliation, and repair followed by a Havdalah ceremony marking the end of shabbat.
Our Selcihot experience will continue with a movement meditation to embody the passage from the old year into the new one, led by Paideia graduate and 5Rhythms® teacher Adam Eisen. Using music and movements accessible to people of all ages and abilities, we will to connect with how the past year lives within us and how we set our intentions for the year to come.

You are welcome to come for all or part of the evening.

Kl 19.00 – Discussion and fika
Kl 20.15 – Havdalah
Kl 20.30 – Moving into Rosh Hashanah: a 5Rhythms® movement meditation
Kl 22.00 – Ending time


Se hela PJS höstprogram här.

28 september
Centrala Stockholm, plats meddelas efter sista anmälningsdatum
Sukkat Shalom / Progressiv Judendom i Stockholm Paideia Folkhögskolan

Sista anmälningsdatum för icke-medlemmar är den 24 september 2024.

Sista anmälningsdagen för medlemmar är den 26 september 2024, för att kunna anmäla sig som medlem måste man vara inloggad.


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