PJS Adult Education

Turning Back and Looking Forward: Preparation for the Days of Awe

Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and the ten days between them are known as the Days of Awe, because they inspire us to reflect on our lives, our behavior, and our relationships. Such intense personal work is nearly impossible without preparation.  Fortunately, our tradition offers us just that:  the Jewish month of Elul,  which begins this year on September 2.
The month of Elul is a time to reflect on the past year and to set intentions, hopes, and plans for the year to come. We are called to “wake up” and pay attention to the changes within us and in the world. With resources as diverse as traditional Jewish texts, modern poetry and music, shofar sounding, mindfulness meditation, and hevruta (small group) study, we will inspire one another to approach the upcoming holidays with intentionality, curiosity, and hope.
No previous knowledge or experience necessary. All are welcome. Come to one or more or all. Sessions will be in English with conversation and small group work possible in Swedish.


Se hela PJS höstprogram här.

29 september
Centrala Stockholm, plats meddelas efter sista anmälningsdatum
Sukkat Shalom / Progressiv Judendom i Stockholm

Sista anmälningsdatum för icke-medlemmar är den 24 september 2024.

Sista anmälningsdagen för medlemmar är den 26 september 2024, för att kunna anmäla sig som medlem måste man vara inloggad.


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