Frequently asked questions

I want to register for an event. How do I do it?

Go to our calendar, search for the event and register by following the instructions on the page. If it says that the event is for members only, then it is only for members of the congregation.

ATTENTION! It is not possible to register for events by sending an email to the info address.

Can I bring a non-member to an event? As a non-member, can I attend an event?

If it says that the event is for members only, it means that it is not open to non-members. If you are a member and have a non-member partner whom you would like to accompany you to such events, your partner can apply for membership or associate membership.

If you want to bring a friend with you to events that are not open to non-members, your friend can apply for membership. If your friend does not meet the criteria for membership, your friend cannot join such events.

If it is not stated that the event is for members only, a non-member can register their interest. It is important that each person makes their own application to attend. This is done by filling out the form posted on the page for the specific event in the calendar. We will then reply the non-member with information if it is or is not possible to attend the event. This can take a few days, and in case of high workload even longer.

I am not a member of the congregation but would like to attend a service. Can I do this?

You can register your interest in attending a service on our website. We will let you know if this is possible. Please note that registration must be made 72 hours before the actual service.

I am not a member of the community but want to visit the Great Synagogue. Can I do it?

The only way for non-members to visit the Great Synagogue outside of services is to book a guided tour.

I want to get married and have questions about this. Who should I turn to?

Go to our contact form, select "Religious matters", fill out the form and send it to us.

I am looking for an old friend who is Jewish with whom I have lost contact. Is the person a member of the community and can you contact them for me?

The community does not release information about our members.

I am looking for a person who I believe has moved to Israel.

The community does not release information about our members. We also have no information on Israeli citizens.